The United States suffers from a huge physician shortage, particularly when it comes to primary-care physicians. The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has designated approximately 25% of the country as Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs). Most US-born physicians do not choose to work in rural or inner-city areas.
Fortunately, thousands of International Medical Graduates (IMGs) eagerly search for job opportunities in HPSAs. Why? Because working in a physician shortage area enables them to obtain immigration benefits, particularly J waivers and national interest waivers.
Our law firm works with IMGs and physician recruiters to place IMGs in physician shortage areas. Over the past 25 years, we have obtained thousands of J waivers and green cards for foreign-born physicians.
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“I had the best experience working with Law Offices of Carl Shusterman. The staff is very professional, trustworthy, responsive, knowledgeable and helpful.”
- Dr. R. Khan, Boston, Massachusetts
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- Obama Budget Will Seek Record Funding for New Doctors (2-27-14)
- Immigration Restrictions and America’s Growing Healthcare Needs (November 2012)
- Doctor Shortage Likely to Worsen With Health Law (7-28-12)
- When the Doctor Doesn’t Look Like You (8-13-10)
- Medical Schools Can’t Keep Up (4-12-10)
- Weighing the Evidence for Expanding Physician Supply (11-2-04)
- Immigration: Foreign Physicians and the J-1 Waiver Program (6-17-04)
- The Shrinking Pool Of International Medical Graduates
- “Physicians: What Glut?” – by Senator Kent Conrad