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Barack Obama and Carl Shusterman

At the time this photo was taken in early 2008, Senator Barack Obama was a hopeful young senator trying to gather support and break an important racial barrier by becoming the President of the United States.

Barack Obama


As a U.S. Senator from Illinois and as a Presidential candidate, Barack Obama championed comprehensive immigration reform. An underdog candidate, he was able to gain support from a broad range of groups using the phrase, “Yes, We Can!” echoing the refrain of Cesar Chavez, “Si, se puede!”.

Attorney Carl Shusterman met Senator Obama at a fundraiser for Congressman Howard Berman, a longtime champion of immigration reform. Though their conversation was brief, Attorney Shusterman felt that Mr. Obama, as President, would be a powerful force in bringing undocumented workers out of the shadows and making our nation’s immigration policies more fair and reasonable.

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President Barack Obama

During his first presidency, the economic crisis and a lack of cross-party cooperation prevented President Obama from making much headway on these fronts. Following his re-election, Congress did not pass Comprehensive Immigration Reform.

Instead, President Obama instituted the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program by issuing an Executive Order.

Our page on Immigration Reform in 2013 tracks important political and legislative changes impacting the passing of a comprehensive immigration reform bill.

For more pictures of Mr. Shusterman with political figures and successful clients, see our photo gallery.