Video – Physicians: J Waivers and O-1 Visas
Immigration Attorney Carl Shusterman (Former INS Attorney 1976-82) explains how International Medical Graduates (IMGS) can obtain J waivers through (1) Interested Government Agencies (IGAs), (2) Exceptional Hardship and (3) Persecution. He also discusses how physicians of Extraordinary Ability can obtain O-1 visas.
Our law firm has assisted over 2,000 IMGs and Canadian physicians in obtaining J waivers, O-1 status and green cards.
Further information is available on our J Waivers for Physicians page or schedule a consultation with one of our attorneys.
Client Reviews

Highly Competent Legal Services
“I work with Merritt Hawkins, the largest physician search firm in the United States. For over 20 years, we have partnered with The Law Offices of Carl Shusterman, which assists us in obtaining visas for the many international physicians we recruit. Mr. Shusterman and his staff have been an indispensable resource of expertise, allowing us to recruit international doctors in the most efficient manner possible on behalf of our clients.”
- Phil Miller, Merritt Hawkins, Dallas, Texas
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