The Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act, known as the DREAM Act, is a legislative proposal to grant temporary conditional residency, with the right to work, to qualifying immigrants who entered the U.S. as minors—and, if they later satisfy further qualifications, they would attain permanent residency.
In 2001, Senators Dick Durbin (D-Illinois) and Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) first introduced the bill in the Senate as S. 1291, but it did not pass. The proposal has since been reintroduced many times, but has not been approved by majorities in both houses of Congress.
On March 18, 2021, the Dream and Promise Act of 2021 (H.R. 6) was approved by the House of Representatives.
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This page is divided into the following subtopics:
- What is the DREAM Act?
- The Dream and Promise Act of 2021
- Documents
- Advocacy Organizations and Resources
- Media and Press
What is the DREAM Act?
The Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act is a piece of proposed legislation that was introduced to the United States Senate, and the House of Representatives. Senator Durbin the bill’s co-author says, the Act is “a narrowly tailored, bipartisan measure which would permit undocumented students to become permanent residents if they came here as children, are long-term U.S. residents, have good moral character, and attend college or enlist in the military for at least two years.”
On March 3, 2021, the American Dream and Promise Act of 2021 (H.R. 6) was introduced in the House of Representatives. The bill offers a pathway to citizenship not only to the undocumented, but also to thousands of children of parents who came to the U.S. with certain types of temporary working visas, many of whom “aged-out” before they could get green cards.
The Dream and Promise Act of 2021
- The Act Section-by-Section
- Hearing Webcast and Links to Statements (6-28-11)
- Senate Immigration Subcommittee Schedules Hearing For 6-28-11
- Text of the Act (Reintroduced by Democrats 11-30-10)
Advocacy Organizations & Resources
Media and Press
- House Votes to Give Millions of Dreamers and Farmworkers a Path to Citizenship (3-18-21)
- The House is taking up Immigration Changes this Week (3-14-21)
- Senators Make Another Run at Passing Dream Act for Young Immigrants (7-20-17)
- “DREAM Act Passes in the House, Heads to the Senate”-Huffington Post (12-09-10)
- “Top Democrat Says He’ll Set a Test-vote on Bill Legalizing Young Undocumented Immigrants” (11-30-10)
- Obama wants DREAM Act in lame duck
- Papers: The Movie trailer
- Obama Campaign: Debate Video 2008