If you are applying for asylum in the United States, we highly recommend that you hire an asylum expert witness to help you establish that you have a well-founded fear of persecution in your country of origin.
Choose an asylum expert witness with extensive knowledge of the country from which you fear persecution. The expert should study your application for asylum, and be able to inform the USCIS officer or the Immigration Judge as to whether your fear of persecution is well-founded.
The asylum expert witness should provide a written opinion concerning your case. If you are in Immigration Court, the witness should be available to testify under oath about your asylum application. Your attorney will direct questions to the expert witness and the government attorney will cross examine the witness. Sometimes, the Immigration Judge will ask the expert witness questions.
This testimony may be very helpful in dispelling any doubts that the government attorney and the Immigration Judge may have about your asylum application.
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“Mr. Shusterman and his law firm have represented my family and me very successfully. He is not only a legal guru in all things immigration but even more so he is an exceptional human being because he empathizes with his clients and cares that justice is done.”
- Maria Davari Knapp, Chicago, Illinois
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For example, consider the case of an Indonesian man who was a Christian and of Chinese descent. He applied for asylum based on religious persecution before an Immigration Judge in San Francisco.
I remember the Judge telling us before the hearing that she had never granted anyone from Indonesia asylum based on religious persecution. She said that although she believed that Christians were discriminated against in that country, she did not think that they were persecuted.
However, the testimony of our expert witness changed her mind and she granted our client’s asylum application.